Our parish of St. Jude has many important features to recognize:a history well worth celebrating:

  • the parish is 25 years old
  • a vast gathering of families – young, established, single-parent etc.
  • an increasing aged population
  • a changing cultural diversity

St. Jude’s has a parish team of leaders who are involved in adult and children’s faith development, members of which are presently:

  • parish priest
  • Principal of the parish primary school
  • Deputy Principal of the parish primary school
  • Pastoral Associates
  • R.E. co-ordinator
  • Catechists

Parish Team Responsibilities

  1. To identify and respond to the faith development needs of the people within the parish
  2. To plan for effective present and future strategies in the areas of faith development and religious education
  3. To facilitate and empower faith development:
    • by providing opportunities in the parish that will enable the community to recognize and respond to the need for Evangelization to take place
    • by the team being kept informed of current trends
  4. To co-ordinate and ensure that the practical details of faith development strategies are carried out.
  5. To review and evaluate the progress of faith development strategies in the parish